Facts and figures
Want to know how many publications at the University of Bonn appear in an open-access format? Here are the most important facts and figures:
An upward trend
Much has been going on in the world of open access over the past five years: the DEAL project established infrastructure that has led to an increase in the number of open-access publications. There have also been numerous developments on the non-commercial side of open access. For instance, an increasing number of researchers have been getting involved, and new methods such as diamond open access are being chosen more and more often. You can find an overview of the situation at the University of Bonn here.

open-access publications*
(University/University Hospital Bonn 2019–2024)
76 %
open-access publications* (University/University Hospital Bonn 2023)
applications to the publication fund for articles
(University/University Hospital Bonn 2019–08/2024)
Volume of open-access publications 2023

Volume of open-access publications 2022

Volume of open-access publications 2021

Volume of open-access publications 2020

Volume of open-access publications 2019

About the data
* The data given here is based on published periodical articles from the University of Bonn (including University Hospital Bonn) that are listed in the Web of Science (WoS) database. It was analyzed with the aid of the Open Access Monitor developed at Forschungszentrum Jülich. The WoS only includes some of the publications originating from the University of Bonn.
The WoS focuses mainly on English-language peer-reviewed periodicals (over 21,000 in total). The data listed here thus only represents part of the University’s volume of open-access publications and is not to be viewed as entirely accurate. Unfortunately, it is not currently possible to obtain a complete overview of the University of Bonn’s total publication volume.
You are welcome to contact us if you would like more information on the volume of open-access publications from the University of Bonn or have any questions.