Open Access Policy for the University of Bonn
On December 6, 2024, the Rectorate of the University of Bonn (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn) adopted an Open Access Policy.
This policy emphasizes the importance of free access to scientific knowledge and establishes a clear framework for Open Access publications at the University of Bonn. The university reaffirms its commitment to Open Science and the widest possible access to scientific publications.
It promotes a shared vision for open science and provides practical recommendations for integrating Open Access into daily research practices.

Open Access Policy (Content)
In line with its mission statement and its role as a University of Excellence, the University of Bonn (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn) fosters an environment of open academic discussion and scientific exchange. Both depend significantly on the accessibility of published scientific findings and the underlying research data.
The widest possible dissemination and barrier-free visibility of scientific publications and research data enhance competition, innovation, and the public benefit of academic research. Additionally, it leads to broader recognition of results within academic communities. Publication-based Open Access is an integral part of transparent science in the spirit of Open Science, which the University of Bonn strives to promote.
The University of Bonn supports the call for free access to scientific knowledge as outlined in the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities of 2003.
The University of Bonn respects the diverse approaches and specific characteristics of various academic disciplines and emphasizes that this policy serves as a recommendation rather than a binding obligation. Academic freedom also includes the freedom to choose the publication method. It remains the decision of the authors under which conditions they publish their results.
The Rectorate of the University of Bonn recommends that its researchers publish their findings in Open Access. In this context, the following guidelines have been adopted:
- The University of Bonn supports the primary publication of its researchers' findings in quality-assured Open Access publication media under a free license. To assist with this, the Rectorate and faculties have established a publication fund that covers publication fees upon application, following the rules of the DFG (German Research Foundation).
- The University of Bonn encourages its members to exercise their secondary publication rights and to make all publications accessible through repositories, either in parallel or with a delay. An option for this is bonndoc, the institutional repository of the university.
- Authors affiliated with the university should, when signing contracts with publishers, aim to transfer only simple usage rights whenever possible. If this is not feasible, they should at least retain the right to secondary publication of the peer-reviewed manuscript version (postprint) on the University of Bonn’s repository.
- The University of Bonn encourages its members to evaluate their roles as reviewers, editors, or publishers with regard to the Open Access policies of the respective publication venues. Researchers are requested to use their positions to influence publishers and scholarly societies, advocating for and prioritizing Open Access publications. In this context, the University of Bonn particularly supports non-commercial platforms.
The Open Access Service Center of the University and State Library Bonn ( serves as the central contact point for all questions and support needs related to Open Access. The policy is reviewed regularly, at least every two years, by the Open Access Service Center of the University of Bonn to ensure its relevance.
Feedback on this Open Access Policy can be sent to
This policy enters into force on the day following its publication. It will be published in the Official Announcements of the University of Bonn (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn – Verkündungsblatt).
Issued based on the Rectorate's decision of November 26, 2024.
Open Access Service Center
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Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Abteilungsbibliothek MNL
2. OG, Raum 2.019
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53115 Bonn