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Position/Degree Professor / PrivatdozentPostdoc / Doctoral student / StudentOther scientific employee Please select position/degree. I am a PostDoc at the University of Bonn and am funded by an Argelander Starter Kit. yes no Information about the publication Article title Journal title Publisher Publication costs (Please include currency!) Please specify the publication costs or APC of your publication here. APC stands for "Article Processing Charge" and refers to the publication fee in Open Access journals. Currency Please specify the currency. Ancillary publication costs Please list the ancillary publication costs individually here. Ancillary publication costs are, for example, color charges, page charges, etc. These costs cannot be financed from the fund. Payment process The USL (University and State Library) will process your submitted invoice and initially cover the costs. The expenses will be charged to the publication fund via the WBS element1 (German: PSP-Element). The USL forwards the invoice to the university’s financial department. Invoices that are eligible for funding will be paid directly to the publisher by the university's financial department. Please note that retroactive reimbursement of payments already made by authors cannot be processed by the university’s treasury. 1 A WBS element is a code in the accounting system that indicates which part of a project the costs are being charged to. Proportionate cost coverage Depending on the amount of the publication fees (Article Processing Charges = APCs), the costs will be covered as follows: APCs up to €2,000: The fund will cover the full invoice amount. APCs over €2,000: You will need to finance the amount exceeding €2,000 yourself. In this case, the remaining amount will be charged to a WBS element (German: PSP-Element) provided by you (e.g., your institute). Billing of publication costs (over €2,000) For processing, we require: For university members (not University Hospital): A WBS element and the contact details of a responsible person. For the University Hospital: The billing address and the contact details of a responsible person. Important notes Please ensure that you have obtained approval from your cost center responsible person and that sufficient funds are available to cover the remaining amount exceeding €2,000. Please note that publication invoices often do not include tax and/or may be issued in a foreign currency (e.g., USD). As a result, the actual booked amount may differ from the invoice total. Please be aware that the University of Bonn cannot guarantee that the entire invoicing and reimbursement process will be completed promptly or within the specified timeframe (e.g., when using third-party funds). WBS element only for publication costs over € 2,000 total amount (for university members only, not University Hospital). A WBS element is a code in the accounting system that indicates which part of a project the costs are being charged to. Contact at your institution only for publication costs over € 2,000 total amount Email address (contact at your institution) only for publication costs over € 2,000 total amount I have obtained the approval of my institute yes no You also confirm that, before submitting your application, you obtained approval from your institution for the remaining publication costs to be covered from its own funds (insofar as these costs exceed €2,000 total amount). Funding Criteria The publication meets the funding criteria established by the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University of Bonn: The author (corresponding author) is a member of the University of Bonn or the University Hospital (UKB) at the time of application. The journal/edited volume/anthology applies recognized quality assurance procedures in the respective field (Peer Review). The funded publication is published under a Creative Commons license (CC BY or CC BY-ND). Licenses with the NC component are not eligible for funding! The publication contains an acknowledgment of the funding: "This work was supported by the Open Access Publication Fund of the University of Bonn." Publications funded by the DFG (German Research Foundation) must include the DFG acknowledgment. Non-eligible for funding: Non-research articles, mirror journals, additional fees (e.g., submission charges, page charges, colour charges), opt-out articles, contributions in edited or conference volumes with other funding, and double funding (preprints). The publication should receive a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and be linked to your Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID). Please note: If any of the conditions are not met (e.g., NC license), we reserve the right to deny funding for the publication! The CC license must be indicated on the publisher’s invoice. The payment terms on the publisher's invoice must be at least 30 days! If these conditions are not met, we reserve the right not to pay the invoice! I hereby certify that I have read the funding criteria and that they have been fulfilled. yes no The article is published under the following Creative Commons licence: CC BYCC BY-ND Consent I hereby apply for funding from the University of Bonn's publication fund to cover the publication fees for an open-access article. yes no To avoid spam, please enter the result of the calculation 10 * 3 in the following field Comment You are welcome to send us your questions, suggestions and criticism. Submit