Universität Bonn

Open Access Service Center

Publication fund for articles & chapters

Need to pay fees for your article in an open-access journal or your chapter in an open-access book? Then you can apply for funding from the University of Bonn's publication fund. Find out how it works here.

The University of Bonn’s publication fund for articles in journals and book chapters can help you to cover the costs incurred when you publish an article in an open-access periodical or a chapter in an open-access book. The fund is managed by the USL Bonn.

Do you have any questions?


You can reach us by e-mail at

Please note that the fund’s resources are limited and you are not guaranteed any funding. You can inquire at any time whether there is still money left in the fund. The publication fund is intended to cover the costs of journal articles published by publishers with whom the University of Bonn has not concluded a separate agreement. Therefore, please also inform yourself about the financing options that the University of Bonn has concluded with publishers and initiatives.

Who is eligible for funding?

Members of the University of Bonn or the UKB who are the corresponding author of the publication. This is the person who communicates with the publisher. This person must be named as the primary affiliation in the publication. Students and researchers toward the beginning of their careers (doctoral students and postdocs) are particularly encouraged to apply. 

What is eligible for funding?

Articles and chapters in Open Access publications that apply the recognized quality assurance procedures in the respective subject, e.g. peer review. As a member of the University of Bonn, you can apply to have the publication fees (Article Processing Charges) covered. The journal must be listed in the DOAJ or JCR.

What are the funding criteria?

The coverage of costs for articles and chapters depends on the following conditions:

 The procedure differs according to the amount of publication fees (APCs):

  • If the publication fees (APCs) are up to €2,0001, the publication fund covers the total amount of the invoice.
  • If the publication fees (APCs) exceed €2,000, the publication fund covers an amount of €2,000. The remaining amount must be paid by you or your institution.
    • Please note that publisher invoices may not include tax, which will then be added and must be paid by you: In the case of partial funding from the publication fund, the amount in the financial system is € 1,680.67 (plus 19% tax, resulting in the funded amount of €2,000)2.

1 Additional currencies: USD 2,150, CHF 1,900, GBP 1,700
2 Additional currencies: USD 1,806.72, CHF 1,596.64, GBP 1,428.57

We will reserve the invoice amount for your publication for 3 months. If you have not received an invoice from the publisher by the end of this period, please contact us again and we will reserve the amount for a further 3 months.

Please let us know if the publication process is delayed beyond this period, otherwise we will release the reserrved money again.

Please also inform us of any rejections.

  • Articles and book chapters that were funded from the publication fund must be published together with a note referencing the funding:
    "This work was supported by the Open Access Publication Fund of the University of Bonn."
  • Articles and book chapters resulting from a DFG project must include a note referencing the DFG funding.
  • Please also note the guidelines of the University of Bonn for the standardized indication of affiliation in scientific publications

    Only articles and book chapters for which no other funds have been awarded or applied for will be eligible for this funding. We recommend factoring any open-access publication fees to be incurred in the future into applications for third-party funding in order to secure financing..

Articles in Journals:

  • The funded publication must be published under a Creative Commons license (CC BY or CC BY-ND). Licenses with the NC component are not funded.

Book Chapters:

  • The funded publication must be published under a Creative Commons license (CC BY, CC BY-SA, CC BY-NC-SA, CC BY-ND, CC BY-NC-ND, CC BY-NC).
  • Publications are to obtain a DOI and to be linked to your ORCID where possible.

The payment deadline ("terms of payment") on the publisher's invoice must be at least 30 days. Please notify your publisher accordingly and check the payment deadline on the invoice. Only pass it on to us if it stipulates a term of at least 30 days.

Articles and book chapters funded from the publication fund will also be published subsequently in bonndoc, the University’s repository.

What does not qualify for funding?

Non-research articles, publications in mirror journals, fees for ancillary publication costs (e.g. submission charges, page charges, color charges, etc.), articles that do not end up being made open access (opt-out), administration fees, single articles in edited volumes and volumes of conference proceedings if their publication is being funded by other means (e.g. via admission charges, membership subscriptions), dual funding of the same publication in several formats (e.g. preprint and periodical article)

How to apply for funding


Check criteria

Make sure that you meet the funding criteria. Got questions about the criteria before you start? Then please email us before submitting your article or book chapter.


Submit an application

Please fill out the application form for articles or the application form for book chapters.


Check costs (under €2,000)

For publication fees under €2,000, the publication fund covers the total amount of the invoice. The funding criteria must be met.


Check costs (over €2,000)

If the publication fees (APCs) exceed €2,000, the publication fund covers an amount of €2,000. The remaining amount must be paid by you or your institution (see funding amount).

In this case, please clarify with your institute from which funds the remaining amount will be financed.


Submit your publication

As the author, you submit the article or contribution to the publisher yourself. We review applications purely against formal criteria (is the corresponding author a member of the University of Bonn, has a Creative Commons license been selected, is the periodical trustworthy, etc.). We do not check the content.


Send us an invoice

When you have received the invoice, please email it to us as a PDF. You are welcome to check the invoice details yourself one more time.

IMPORTANT!!! We can only process the invoice for your item and your contribution if it has been issued correctly. Please note the details on the invoice and the reservation deadline of 3 months!

Invoice details

Universität Bonn
Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Bonn
Zeitschriftenmanagement / Open-Access-Team
Regina-Pacis-Weg 3
53113 Bonn

  • Pass this information on to the publisher to prevent invoices from being amended retrospectively!
  • Applies only to journal articles (not to book chapters): The CC license under which the publication is published must be included on the publisher's invoice (Please note: We only support CC BY or CC BY-ND). If this requirement is not met, we reserve the right not to pay the invoice.
  • Invoicing party (i.e. the publisher)
  • Publication medium
  • Invoice date
  • Invoice number
  • Payment term (at least 30 days!)
  • For invoices from within Germany: gross invoice stating the rate and amount of tax
  • For invoices from abroad (other EU and non-EU countries): net invoice stating the "UID" (“VAT,” or VAT ID number) of the University of Bonn (UID: DE 122119125) and the UID of the publisher

  • Wegen verwaltungstechnischer Notwendigkeiten dauert es häufig mind. 30 Tage (oft auch länger) bis die Universitätskasse eine Rechnung anweist. Bitte setzen Sie den Verlag darüber in Kenntnis und prüfen Sie auf der Rechnung die Zahlungsfrist. Leiten Sie uns die Rechnung bitte erst dann weiter, wenn diese Frist mindestens 30 Tage beträgt.
  • The authors of funded articles are responsible for communicating with the respective publisher. Please never list the Open Access Service Center as a contact person or bill payer. This also applies to our e-mail address and the names of our employees. If necessary, we will contact the publisher with your consent. This communication will then always come from us.
  • If the funding criteria are met and there is still money available in the fund, the University Cashier's Office ("Universitätskasse") will transfer the invoice amount directly to the publisher upon receipt of the invoice.
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