Open Access
Service Center
Open access aims to share knowledge, make information accessible, and speed up academic debate. The Open Access Service Center supports you in publishing your research, guiding you on guidelines, technical, and financial matters.
Want to apply for open access funding? Check if we have an agreement with your publisher, or use the application form.
Open Access Policy of the University of Bonn
On December 6, 2024, the Rectorate of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn adopted an Open Access Policy.
Your Path to Funding
Submit your application here for funding open-access articles in quality-assured journals!
Book Chapter
Use the publication fund to support open-access contributions and chapters in anthologies / edited volumes!
Monograph & Books
Get financial support for your open-access book (monograph, edited volume, anthology)!
Publishing work for a second time
Looking to publish your work again in an open-access format now that some time has passed? Want to find out about the legal situation?
Publishing a periodical
Keen to start an open-access periodical?
Planning to digitalize the workflow for your periodical?
Open Science

Promoting an open science culture is a key component of the University of Bonn's Excellence Strategy.
The term "open science" encompasses a range of measures geared toward guaranteeing transparency, traceability and reproducibility in an increasingly digital academic world. Alongside the Open Access Service Center, the Research Data Service Center can help you make your research findings publicly accessible.